Provides education, resources and peer support for birthing families.
Preparing for Birth
Our THINKNATAL antenatal education series is designed to provide honest, unbiased and evidence-based information to help birthing families make informed decisions about their care – a first step to avoiding trauma.
Physical Birth Trauma
Understanding the types of physical injuries that can occur during birth can help you find the right health professionals to assist in your recovery, and manage risk for future births.
Partners & Fathers
Partners and loved ones not only play a vital supporting role in the lives of women affected by birth trauma, but can also be traumatised themselves.
Downloadable Guides
This series of downloadable guides provides information, guidance and support to those touched by birth trauma, and the people who support them.
Are you worried about how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect your birthing options? Check out our FAQs on birth and maternity care during COVID-19.